About Majlis Education Trust
The majlis, has made great inroads into the territory of religious revival in the state and has made hefty contributions to its educational and cultural domains. In founding the Majlis, the trust had envisioned an educational system which frames Islam as a complete system of life. As early as 1950, the trust was making a conscious effort to set up an edifice of education that it had been holding dear for long.
In the meantime a number madrsas, secondary schools and colleges have been set up by social workers across the state. It was in this context that in 1979 Majlis Education Trust was launched primarily for supervising these institutions and secondly for embarking upon a programme of renovation and standardization of the curricula offered by them.

Madrasa Text book distribution

Begins Online Registration on May 17

Madrasa Text book distribution

Distribution : May 27,28,29,30


Email: majliskerala@gmail.com, Phone: 0495 2727470, 0495 2722640, Mobile: 9946353640


School Text Books

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Arabic Text Books

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Madrasa Text Books

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Teacher's Handbook

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Madrassa Board

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